Rider requirements
UB TOURING JAPAN Motorcycle Rental
The Rider must be licensed to ride a motorcycle of engine size greater than 400cc in Japan, either by having an unrestricted Japanese motorcycle license or by having a valid 'International Driving Permit' (IDP) of type “1949 Geneva Convention” from the country where the motorcycle license is issued. (Exception: a notarized Japanese translation accompanying the original license from Belgium, France, Germany, Monaco, Switzerland, or Taiwan is recognized by Japan.)
The International Driving Permit from your country must be based on the 1949 Geneva Convention, must be valid for the full duration of your Japan trip, and have a stamp in the “motorcycle” category.
If your country has several tiers of motorcycle license, you must have an unrestricted motorcycle license for any capacity motorcycle engine to rent a motorcycle from UB TOURING JAPAN.
If your country is not listed in the chart, there is a high probability that your country does not issue an International Driving Permit based on the 1949 Geneva Convention and you are therefore not permitted to drive in Japan.
Country |
Requrements: Unrestricted motorcycle license from your home country AND the below International Driving Permit |
Albania | Lejedrejtimi Ndërkombetare issued by the DPSHTRR (Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Shërbimeve të Transportit Rrugor) | |
Algeria | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Argentina | Licencia de Conducir Internacional issued by the ACA (Automovil Club Argentino) or Argentina's "Dirección General de Licencias" | |
Aruba | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Australia | International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by the AAA (Australian Automobile Association) | |
Austria | Internationaler Führerschein issued by the ÖAMTC (Österreichischer Automobil Motorrad-und Touring Club) or ARBÖ (Auto-, Motor- und Radfahrerbund Österreichs) | |
Bangladesh | International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by the Automobile Association of Bangladesh | |
Barbados | International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by the Barbados Motor Licensing Authority | |
Belgium | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
Benin | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Botswana | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Brunei Darussalam | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Bulgaria | Международната шофьорско разрешително issued by the полиция (Police) | |
Bukina Faso | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Cambodia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Canada | International Driving Permit issued by the CAA (Canadian Automobile Association) | |
Central African Republic | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Chile | Permiso Internacional de Conducir issued by the ACCHI (Automóvil Club de Chile) | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Republic of the Congo | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Croatia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Cuba | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Cyprus | Διεθνής άδεια οδήγησης issued by the Land Transport Department or Citizen Service Centres | |
Czech Republic | Mezinárodní řidičský průkaz issued by the Ministry of Transport (Ministerstvo dopravy) | |
Denmark | Internationalt Kørekort issued by your municipality in Denmark | |
Dominican Republic | Licencia Internacional issued by the ACD (Automovil Club Dominicano) | |
Ecuador | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Egypt | رخصة قيادة دولية issued by the Automobile & Touring Club Egypt | |
England | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
Estonia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Fiji | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Finland | Kansainvälinen ajokortti issued by the ATCF (Automobile and Touring Club of Finland) | |
France | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
French Polynesia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Georgia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Germany | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
Ghana | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Great Britain | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
Greece | Διεθνής άδεια οδήγησης issued by the ELPA (Ελληνική Λέσχη Περιηγήσεων & Αυτοκινήτου) | |
Guatemala | Permiso Internacional de Conducir issued by the Touring y Automóvil Club de Guatemala | |
Haiti | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Hong Kong | 國際駕駛許可證 issued by the HK Transport Department (香港特別行政區政府運輸署) | |
Hungary | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Iceland | alþjóðlegt ökuskírteini issued by the Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda | |
India | अंतरराष्ट्रीय ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस] issued by the R.T.O. (Regional Transport Offices) or the WIAA (Western Indian Automobile Association) | |
Ireland | International Driving Permit issued by the AA Ireland (Automobile Association of Ireland) | |
Israel | רישיון נהיגה בינלאומי issued by the Memsi | |
Italy | permesso internazionale di guida issued by the Ufficio motorizzazione civile / ministero dei trasporti e della navigazione | |
Ivory Coast | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Jamaica | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Jordan | رخصة القيادة الدولية issued by the PSD (Public Security Directorate) | |
South Korea | 국제 운전 면허증 issued by the DLA (운전면허시험관리단) | |
Kyrgyzstan | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Laos | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Lebanon | Permis international de conduire issued by the ATCL (Automobile et Touring Club du Liban) | |
Lesotho | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Liechtenstein | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Lithuania | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Luxembourg | Permis de conduire international issued by the ACL (Automobile Club Luxembourg) | |
Macau | 國際駕駛執照 issued by the Macao Transport Department (交通事務局) | |
Madagascar | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Malawi | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Malaysia | Permit Memandu Antarabangsa issued by the AAM (Automobile Association of Malaysia [Persatuan Automobil Malaysia]) OR the Road Transport Office (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan [J.P.J.]) | |
Mali | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Malta | liċenzja tas-sewqan internazzjonali issued by the Transport of Malta | |
Monaco | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
Montenegro | međunarodna vozačka dozvola, Међународна возачка дозвола issued by the AMS (Auto Moto Savez) | |
Morocco | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Namibia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Netherlands | Internationaal rijbewijs issued by the ANWB (Algemene Nederlandse Wielrijders Bond) | |
New Zealand | International Driving Permit issued by the AA (New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated) | |
Niger | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Nigeria | International Driving Permit issued by the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) | |
Northern Ireland | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
Norway | Internasjonalt førerkort issued by the NAF (Norges Automobil-forbund) or KNA (Kongelig Norsk Automobilklub) | |
Papua New Guinea | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Paraguay | licencia de conducir internacional issued by the Organización Paraguaya De Cooperación Intermunicipal | |
Peru | licencia de conducir internacional issued by the Touring Y Automovil Club Del Peru | |
Philippines | International Driving Permit issued by the AAP (Automobile Association Philippines) | |
Poland | Międzynarodowe prawo jazdy issued by the Citizens Affairs Department | |
Portugal | Licença Internacional de Condução] issued by the IMTT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres) | |
Romania | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Russian Federation | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Rwanda | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
San Marino | patente di guida internazionale | |
Scotland | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
Senegal | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Serbia | Међународна возачка дозвола issued by the Auto-moto savez Republike Srpske (AMS RS) | |
Sierra Leone | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Singapore | International Driving Permit issued by the AA (Automobile Association of Singapore) | |
Slovakia | Medzinárodný vodičský preukaz issued by the Ministersvo Vnutra | |
Slovenia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
South Africa | International Driving Permit issued by the AA (Automobile Association of South Africa) | |
Spain | Permiso Internacional Para Conducir issued by the Spainish Ministerio del Interior Dirección General de Tráfico | |
Sri Lanka | International Driving Permit issued by the Automobile Association of Ceylon | |
Sweden | internationellt körtillstånd issued by the Försvarets motorklubb (FMK), Kungliga automobilklubben (KAK), Motorförarnas Helnykterhetsförbund (MHF), Motormännens riksförbund (M), OK Marknadsservice/Vi Bilägare, Svenska motorcyklisters centralorganisation (SMC), or Caravan Club of Sweden | |
Switzerland | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
Syrian Arab Republic | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Taiwan | Notarized translation by the Japanese Embassy | |
Thailand | การขอรับใบอนุญาตขับรถระหว่างประเทศสำหรับรถยนต์ส่วนบุคคลหรือรถจักรยานยนต์ issued by the issuing authority | |
Togo | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Trinidad and Tobago | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Tunisia | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Turkey | ULUSLARARASI SÜRÜCÜ EHLİYETİ issued by the TTOK (Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu’nun) | |
Uganda | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
United Arab Emirates | رخص القيادة الدولية issued by the ATC-UAE | |
United Kingdom (UK) | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
United States | International Driving Permit issued by the AAA or the NAC | |
United States Forces Japan (USFJ) | USFJ Form 4 EJ and US Military ID confirming your SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) | |
Vatican | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Venezuela | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention | |
Wales | International Driving Permit issued by PayPoint https://consumer.paypoint.com/international-driving-permits | |
Zimbabwe | International Driving Permit (IDP) based on the 1949 Geneva Convention |
Rider responsibilities and restrictions
Full payment due in advance of the UB TOURING JAPAN Rental Agreement start date and time. Cashless payment accepted via secure Stripe on this website and at Point of Purchase at the UB TOURING JAPAN office on the day of rental.
Signing the UB TOURING JAPAN Rental Agreement with the UB TOURING JAPAN Terms and Conditions is mandatory to ride a UB TOURING JAPAN motorcycle.
Subleasing a UB TOURING JAPAN motorcycle to any other person is prohibited.
The Rider must be licensed to ride a motorcycle of engine size greater than 400cc in Japan, either by having an unrestricted Japanese motorcycle license or by having a valid 'International Driving Permit' (IDP) of type “1949 Geneva Convention” from the country where the motorcycle license is issued. (Exception: a notarized Japanese translation accompanying the original license from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovenia, Monaco, France or Taiwan is recognized by Japan.)
The Rider must be familiar with the road rules of Japan, must observe the road rules of Japan, and must ride in a safe and responsible manner. In Japan, both Rider and pillion must wear a helmet by law.
The Rider shall permit UB TOURING JAPAN to photocopy passport, license, and IDP.
The Rider must at all times be in possession of the motorcycle registration and insurance documentation (provided to you by UB TOURING JAPAN), license, and emergency information card (prepared for you by UB TOURING JAPAN).
Whilst UB TOURING JAPAN motorcycles are permitted offroad though water, mud, and snow, the Rider should stay within the Rider’s skill level for safety reasons. Damage resulting from riding in extreme conditions will be the sole responsibility of the Rider.
Any form of stunt riding or racing is prohibited.
The use of a UB TOURING JAPAN motorcycle is restricted to the 4 main islands of Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Hokkaido) unless the Rider is granted special permission by UB TOURING JAPAN. Taking the motorcycle out of Japan is not permitted.
Unauthorized modifications or adaptations to the motorcycle are prohibited. Particularly, tampering with the odometer of the motorcycle is strictly forbidden.